I spent a fun day up in town, eating brunch at Caravan (http://www.caravanonexmouth.co.uk), in Exmouth Market, and then going on to an exhibition by the Experimental Food Society. After getting lost on the way from the Angel tube station, and having to ask for directions from a helpful local, we finally found our way to the crowded restaurant.

First impressions weren’t great – the service was quite rude and we had to wait for a while to be seated, however, ultimately the food is the most important thing, and I really enjoyed what I ate.
It was a beautifully presented salad of butternut squash, goats cheese curd, lettuce and aubergine, which was light and tasty, with a smoky (maybe paprika) finish through the cheese which I really liked. There was a great atmosphere, perhaps slightly too crowded, since I was struggling to hear conversation!
Next, we trudged up to Brick Lane, and sneaked past the massive queue into the one-day-only Experimental Food Society Extravaganza (http://www.experimentalfoodsociety.com) at The Brickhouse. It was completely packed, even though we arrived just before the end, to the point where you moved where the crowd wanted you to!

And there’s not much of a better word to describe it than ‘experimental’. I was first welcomed by a bread-cast body, lying like it was about to be dissected by a mad scientist, then stared at by a chocolate gorilla! I was particularly impressed by the foodscapes of Carl Warner (http://www.carlwarner.com), which consisted of jaw-dropping scenes created entirely from food, which were so realistic-looking that at first I wouldn’t have known the difference!
It was a fun, but tiring day out, and on returning, I flopped onto the sofa in front of QI, with a lovely mustardy salmon and roasted parsnip dinner, courtesy of the better foodie (my mum).
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